Pseudo-Religion · Unknown Origins

Are we living in a huge “Cargo Cult”? Part 1

Have you ever heard of the Cargo Cult? You can do a quick web search and it will come up with something like this:




So these guys, practically in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific Ocean, had the “pleasure” (as had so many of us in the world in the last 100 years…) of being visited on their lovely, remote island by some US-military who decided they want to have a base out here, somwhere in the middle of nowhere.

And then the mostly harmless guys thought the cargo, the stuff that was brought by the Americans and Europeans for their military operations, was some kind of godly gift. They made a few wrong conclusions – just as all humans do, not only the wild ones, mind you!! – and voilá, here you got your cultish ideas: if you build a ramp or something that resembles an airport, the flying “ships” will return and bring knifes, forks, paper towels, stuff made of some unknown materials all kinds of convenient shit for the household, AND even some bling-bling stuff, plus – if they did as they did it in Germany – chocolate for the kids.

Heavenly! Stuff to consume, convienient household-shit, who doesn’t love it?! No matter the race, no matter the sex, everyone loves stupid shit from the USA and Europe (Made in China®). It’s Kali Yuga, the Dark Night of Swarog, Satan’s rule on Earth, End-Time, you name it: all peoples are kind of, can I say fucked up? It could have happened anywhere, as we will come to see in the course of this article series. So let’s not be too harsh with these guys, let’s not ridicule them. Also, there is still hope, because I personally believe that there are a few percent of the world population out there who actually try to look behind all that crap, try to see things as clearly as possible. But they are, naturally, always the minority.

Maybe one, just one of those villagers, might have said:

“Ummmm, yeah, you know dad I love you and all, but don’t you think it’s crazy? These guys weren’t messengers from god, they were just ordinary guys like you and me, soldiers from a country far far away, and they were using our island for strategic reasons. The stuff they brought is kind of more advanced than ours because they use all kind of metals and plastic and shit…” “Son! You are a witch! Ai ai aia aiaiaiiiiiiii!”

Probably not. Anyways.

Wiki (I call it “Wikiblödia” in German, blöd meaning originally something like blind, today: silly)) tells us this, please click it.

I have already told you that I don’t agree with a common and wide spread theory when it comes to acient and unknown history:


Also, I think the chronology is wrong and we can’t really know more than 300 years (even less, consindering what was done in the last 70 years in Germany, but I can’t write exactly what is meant by that, for obvious reasons. The ones in the know will know.)

On top of that, decay happens way faster than most people think and when we look at what was going on here in Germany just a few months ago, you can see who easily “landscape” is changing. It’s not a question of millions of years, it happens in hours, even minutes. So don’t tell me about things that are dug up out of the ground, because the ground can shift in a very short time and bury everything in it’s way.

Bavaria 2016.
Bavaria 2016.

Austria of course has the same problems…


So we can all agree that just because something ist found 4 meters under the earth, it is so-and-so old. Just to make that clear.

Let’s go back to the cargo cult.

“Upcycling” in Africa – these ladies sure got some style going on here! “Aus alt mach neu” would the German say, make something new out of something old. I Found these via Pinterest, which is full of do-it-yourself ideas. If you are into crafting, you might consider trying something like this:



So now that you know what a Cargo Cult is, maybe you can already guess where I’m going with this article series! I hope you already have acquired some knowledge about alternative history, false chronology and the change in the atmosphere of the planet (what happens when the air pressuere and the consistence of the air changes, as well as electromagnetic implicantions like radiation and so on). It would be good if you had already heard about stuff like that.

I have another question, one of many many questions:

Why do “historians” and “archeologists” always tell us that large buildings from the ancient past served defense- and fortress-reasons? Just beacuse it the locals have hid themselves there in cases of emergency, why does that have to mean they were initially build for such purposes? Some of them clearly are in areas that make no sense, speaking from a military-strategic standpoint. The enemy could have gotten in without difficulties.

Maybe you have heard of these star forts, maybe you live near one:

Italy, map supposedly from ca. 1600
Italy, map supposedly from ca. 1600

These things exist throughout the whole world and I am not the only one who thinks they were some kind of industrial plant! Why?They are build in the same scheme or manner everywhere, sometimes the star-formations are more complicated, but the basic structure is the same, with the water around it etc.

Form follows function. Just sayin’.

battery batteryinside batterytemple

It turned out that many columns around the world have a hollow inside, just like for pipes, as if there had been something (maybe liquid?) inside.



My hypothesis at the moment:

What is now micro once used to be macro.

Remember the pantheon in Rome?


This is it’s floor plan:


I think these buildings were used to harness some kind of energy. Maybe even for communication (“cell phones”), or maybe both, plus something I can’t even think up in my wildest dreams.

Back to the present.

I can tell you from personal experience that these kinds of plants look the same in almost any country:


This is a floor plan of a church:


And this is a very simple circuit diagram for a dynamo:


Mind you, these kinds of people always wear something with gold. As you hopefully know, Ag, Cu and Au (Silver, Copper and Gold) are the best for conductivity. Especially when it comes to sound, HiFi and so on, because you don’t want to have resistance. The current’s gotta flow as fast as possible, or your soundsystem sucks.

Just two examples now, you get the idea:



When you work with dangerous materials or high voltages, you have to wear special protective clothes. It’s kind of dangerous if you don’t protect youself.




And to end this first part of the series, please watch this guy, I really like it (it has a dark feeling about it, but the techniques he uses are really great and it’s fun to watch). Here is a screenshot, so you really see why this wraps it all up for me:


